Custom pivots

Search can only sort and filter on resources that actually have a database column. Zotonic’s resources are stored in a serialized form. This allows you to very easily add any property to any resource but you cannot sort or filter on them until you make database columns for these properties.

The way to take this on is using the “custom pivot” feature. A custom pivot table is an extra database table with columns in which the props you define are copied, so you can filter and sort on them.

Say you want to sort on a property of the resource called requestor.

Create (and export!) an init/1 function in your site where you define a custom pivot table:

init(Context) ->
    z_pivot_rsc:define_custom_pivot(pivotname, [{requestor, "varchar(80)"}], Context),

The new table will be called pivot_<pivotname>. When you change the column names in the table definition, the table will be recreated and the data inside will be lost.

To fill the pivot table with data when a resource gets saved, create a notification listener function observe_custom_pivot/2:

observe_custom_pivot({custom_pivot, Id}, Context) ->
    Requestor = m_rsc:p(Id, requestor, Context),
    {pivotname, [{requestor, Requestor}]}.

This will fill the ‘requestor’ property for every entry in your database, when the resource is pivoted.

Recompile your site and restart it (so the init function is called) and then in the admin under ‘System’ -> ‘Status’ choose ‘Rebuild search indexes’. This will gradually fill the new pivot table. Enable the logging module and choose “log” in the admin menu to see the pivot progress. Once the table is filled, you can use the pivot table to do sorting and filtering.

To sort on ‘requestor’, do the following:

{% with[{query custompivot='pivotname' cat='foo' sort='requestor'}] as result %}

Or you can filter on it. The pivot tables are aliassed with a number in order of their occurrence, with the first pivot table aliassed as pivot1. This allows you to do filtering on custom fields like this:

{% with[{query custompivot="pivotname"
                        filter=["pivot1.fieldname", `=`, "hello"]}]
   as result %}

See also

custompivot on how to filter on custom pivot columns.