Upgrade notes

These notes list the most important changes between Zotonic versions. Please read these notes carefully when upgrading to a new major Zotonic version.

Upgrading to Zotonic 0.12

Bootstrap CSS version 3

Zotonic has been switched over to the latest version of the Bootstrap Framework. When you are using Zotonic’s mod_bootstrap or when you have customized the admin templates, you will need to update your templates.

A full migration guide to upgrading from Bootstrap 2.x is here: http://getbootstrap.com/migration/, a tool to help you convert your Zotonic templates is located here: https://github.com/arjan/bootstrap3-upgrader.

Upgrading to Zotonic 0.11

Global configuration changes

The global file priv/config has been obsoleted in place of a new global configuration file, ~/.zotonic/zotonic.config.

To upgrade your config file, do the following:

  • Make a directory in your home folder, called ~/.zotonic.
  • Copy priv/zotonic.config.in to ~/.zotonic/zotonic.config
  • Copy any settings from priv/config into the new priv/zotonic.config (IP addresses, etc)
  • Remove the old file priv/config, as it is no longer in use.
  • Also, move priv/erlang.config to ~/.zotonic/erlang.config.

These configuration files can also be put in other places (/etc/zotonic, most notably), or can contain Zotonic’s version number or node name when running multiple Zotonic versions side by side. See Global configuration for all information on this topic.


You can not just copy over your old priv/config file to the new location, as the structure of the file has changed.

Changed location of sites and external modules

The default place for user-defined sites and external modules has been changed to the defaults user/sites and user/modules, respectively.

To move your sites and modules in the right places, do the following:

  • In the zotonic dir, do mkdir -p user/{modules,sites}
  • Move any external modules: mv priv/modules/* user/modules/
  • Move all sites except zotonic_status and testsandbox to user/sites.

You can change the location of the user-defined sites and modules by changing user_sites_dir and user_modules dir settings in the Global configuration.

Postback and javascript changes

The file zotonic-1.0.js now uses lib/js/modules/ubf.js. This file must be included for the Zotonic javascripts to work.

All postback, comet and websocket connection are now handled by z_transport. Check Transport for details.

The stream tag has been deprecated. You can remove it from your templates. Zotonic now automatically starts a WebSocket connection on each page, unless nostream is given in the script tag.

Dispatch rules for files

The controller_lib and controller_file_readonly have been replaced by the controller_file. This controller uses the new filestore system in Zotonic. This enables the storage of files on remote services like S3.

If you have added your own controller_lib or controller_file_readonly dispatch rules then you have to change them to use controller_file instead.

The following options have been removed:

  • media_path
  • is_media_preview
  • use_cache
  • use of an id argument, use controller_file_id instead

See the documentation for controller_file and controller_file_id.

Modules moved out of core

The mod_geomap repository has moved to its own dedicated repository. To keep using this module, you’ll now need to install it as an external module: zotonic modules install mod_geomap. Alternatively, you can try the module mod_geo (zotonic modules install mod_geomap) , which uses Google Maps in the admin.

Database-driver changes

Due to the introduction of the new database driver, the behaviour of automatically serializing Erlang terms into the database (on bytea columns) has been made explicit. To enable serialization of database values, you have to tag them with the new ?DB_PROPS(...) macro. Unserialization of terms is still done automatically.


If you get this error on startup:

DTREE: cannot open ''

You can fix this by doing: rm -rf deps/ua_classifier, and then running make again.

Upgrading to Zotonic 0.10

Site config changes

The site hostalias option has been changed to be a list of host aliases instead of multiple pairs of hostalias attributes. Change your site’s configuration from this:

{hostalias, "www.example.com"},
{hostalias, "www.example.net"},
{hostalias, "example.org"},

To this:

{hostalias, ["www.example.com", "www.example.net", "example.org"]},

Besides this change, a site’s config file can now also be split into multiple files living under the config.d/ folder within a site.

Build process

The git tool is now required to build Zotonic, even when you downloaded the release zip file. This is due to Zotonic’s external dependencies now being managed with the rebar tool.

Misc changes

All configuration options regarding logging are now in set in the priv/erlang.config file, which is created by default if missing from priv/erlang.config.in.

Upgrading to Zotonic 0.9

CSS changes

Due to the move to Bootstrap, the following CSS changes need to be made in your templates:

Old CSS selector New CSS selector
.sf-menu .nav
.sf-menu a.current .nav li.active a
ul.pager div.pagination ul


The Erlang modules formerly known as Webmachine Resources (resources/resource_*.erl) have been renamed to controllers. They live in the controllers/ folder in a module. This was done to eliminate the confusion between webmachine resources and the “rsc” table of the Zotonic datamodel.

This means that you have to update your custom dispatch rules. Each dispatch rule which uses one of Zotonic’s resource_* controllers, needs to be changed from this:

{article,      ["article", id, slug],      resource_page,      [ {template, "article.tpl"} ]},

to this:

{article,      ["article", id, slug],      controller_page,      [ {template, "article.tpl"} ]},

et cetera.

Also, when you wrote your own controllers, you need to rename your resource_ module to use the controller prefix, and make sure it uses the new include file names.

The following include files have been renamed:

Old filename New filename
include/resource_html.hrl include/controller_html_helper.hrl
include/webmachine_resource.hrl include/controller_webmachine_helper.hrl

HTTPS support

HTTPS support was moved from the core into a new module, mod_ssl.

The global priv/config options ssl, ssl_certfile, ssl_keyfile and ssl_password do no longer have an effect. See mod_ssl on how to configure HTTPS support for Zotonic from 0.9 and up.

Removed controller

The under-used resource_home controller has been removed. Change your dispatch rules accordingly to use controller_template:

{home,  [],  resource_home,       []},

to this:

{home,  [],  controller_template, [{template, "home.tpl"}]},

Removed filters

The lenght_is filter has gone. Replace constructs like this:

{% if value|length_is:5 %}


{% if value|length == 5 %}


mod_backup’s configuration values for binary path names (pg_dump and tar) is now coming from the global z_config instead of the site’s configuration database.

On startup you might see this message:

18:39:59.895 [error] z_module_manager:485 [sitename] Error starting module mod_backup: {error,{missing_dependencies,[rest]}}

mod_backup is now dependent on mod_rest, so you should enable that module in the module manager.


The storage format changed slightly. For the correct display of the results of narrative-type questions answered before 2012-12-01, the name of the block needs to equal the name of the first narrative sub-question.


On startup you might see this message:

** /home/zotonic/zotonic/deps/z_logger/ebin/z_logger.beam hides /home/zotonic/zotonic/deps/webzmachine/ebin/z_logger.beam
** Found 1 name clashes in code paths

z_logger has been moved from its own reps/z_logger repo into webzmachine. You can delete the entire deps/z_logger directory.

Upgrading to Zotonic 0.8

Module versioning

From 0.8, modules have a schema version concept, which is used to install and update module-specific data (like managed tables, custom categories, default data). Previously this was either done in the module’s init() or datamodel() function. The datamodel/1 function is no longer called upon module start.

Instead, modules export a -module_schema() attribute which contains an integer number, denoting the current module’s version. On module initialization, Module:manage_schema/2 is called which handles installation and upgrade of data. See Modules for more information and example code.


The mailinglist has changed a bit. You need to manually enable the mod_logging module on upgrade. It should be enabled automatically, but please double-check.

Execute the following query to get email sending working:

alter table mailinglist_recipient add column is_bounced boolean not null default false;

Upgrading to Zotonic 0.7

Removed modules

To make Zotonic more lightweight and remove some of the build dependencies, some infrequently used modules have been removed from the core and moved to their own repository, at http://code.google.com/p/zotonic-modules/. These modules are:

  • mod_search_solr
  • mod_pubsub
  • mod_slideshow
  • mod_broadcast
  • mod_imageclipper
  • mod_admin_event
  • mod_calendar
  • mod_emailer*

All modules, except mod_emailer can still be easily installed with the help of the zotonic modules install command. The mod_emailer module (and its esmtp library) has been removed in favor of the native SMTP sending/receiving capabilities.

New SMTP architecture

The mod_emailer module has been removed in favor of a separate mail server process and queueing system. For more information please read the e-mail configuration page in the documentation.

The emailq table has become obsolete. You can remove the table from your existing Zotonic database.

Admin password

The admin password is now hardcoded in your site’s config file. For sites that are upgrading, you have to add a line to your config file:

{admin_password, "letmein"}

The value in the config file always reflects the current admin password (as opposed to zotonic < 0.6!) and thus the admin password can only be changed by changing it there.

Admin extra richtext fields

If you have extra richtext (tinymce) fields in the admin, you need to rename the class tinymce of the textarea to the class name tinymce-init.

Upgrading to Zotonic 0.6

No notable upgrade measures need to be taken.

Upgrading to Zotonic 0.5

Some filters disappeared and changed into expression syntax: |eq, |ne, |lt, |gt, |not, etc.:

{% if id|eq:2 %} becomes {% if id == 2 %} {% if id|not %} becomes {% if not id %} et cetera.

The meaning of the query filters hassubject, hasobject, hassubjectpredicate and hasobjectpredicate has been reversed:

m.search[{query hasobject=id}]


m.search[{query hassubject=id}]

and reverse:

m.search[{query hasobjectpredicate=id}]


m.search[{query hassubjectpredicate=id}] (and reverse)

resource_staticfile’s root directory has changed from the site’s template folder to the sites base folder, e.g. from site/templates/xx to site/xx.

The m_group` model no longer exists.

When you first install zotonic and want to logon into /admin, you dont need to give a password, just the username, ‘admin’. It will then ask you to set the admin password.

User accounts need to be published otherwise their logon will be denied. Use this query to enable every user in the database:

update rsc set is_published=true
where category_id in
        (select distinct(id) from rsc where name='person')

If you have an overruled base template, make sure that a {% block content_area %} that spans the full width if your site is in there, because this is used to render the logon dialog for the admin.