
Opens a dialog with a predefined HTML content and title.


{% button action={dialog title="Wisdom" text="<p>The world is a pancake.</p>"} %}

This opens a dialog with the title “Wisdom”. The dialog is empty except for the text “The world is a pancake”.

Normally, instead of this action, the action dialog_open is used. The action dialog_open shows a dialog that is rendered on the server.

Argument Required Description
title required Dialog header title
text required Dialog body text
width optional Dialog width in pixels
addclass optional classname will be appended to default dialog class
backdrop optional boolean (0, 1), or the string ‘static’ for a modal dialog (does not close on backdrop click); default 1
center optional boolean (0, 1) default 1; set to 0 to align the dialog at the top

See also

actions dialog_open, dialog_close and overlay_open.