
  • Module: core

Retrieve information which is stored in the site’s config files.

The site configuration is stored for each site in user/sites/<sitename>/config and files in user/sites/<sitename>/config.d/. Their syntax is equal to an Erlang property list, with unique keys.

Fetch a site configuration key

Example, fetching the site configuration key “hostname”:

{{ m.site.hostname }}

Fetching all configurations

It is easy to loop over all site configurations:

{% for key, value in m.site %}
    {{ key }} -- {{ value }} <br />
{% endfor %}

Overriding config values

Zotonic has two places where a site’s configuration is kept. One is in the site’s config files, the other in the config table. The config table overrules any module settings from the config file, for rows where the module key of the config value is set to site.

Within the site configuration, you can override module-specific configuration: Module configurations are defined with a property key equal to the module name, with a property list as value. For example:

{mod_foo, [ {hostname, "localhost"} ]}

will put the default “hostname” setting of the imaginary mod_foo module to localhost.

Default config values

Sites have the following default config settings:

Property Description Example value
environment Set the status of the site. Can be one of development, test, acceptance, education or backup. Default: production development
hostname The hostname of the site example.com
title The title of the site. “My Awesome Blog”
protocol The main protocol of the site. Used to construct urls. Default “http”. “https”
document_domain The document domain used for cross domain iframe javascripts. Default is the same as the cookie_domain. www.example.com
cookie_domain The domain to use on cookies. This defaults to undefined, which will equal the domain of the current request. .example.com
session_expire_1 The initial timemout after setting up a process and waiting for the first ping from the page. Default: 40 (seconds) 10
session_expire_n Session inactivity timeout after receicing some communication from the page. Default: 3600 (1 hour) 120 (2 minutes)
session_expire_inactive User inactivity timeout after seeing that the user has not been active. Default: 14400 (4 hours) 3600 (1 hour)
hsts Indicate if the site should use Strict Transport Security. When set, the browser will no longer use insecure http to access the site. Warning: Be sure your site is accessible via https before enabeling this feature. Default: false true
hsts_maxage The time, in seconds which browsers are allowed to remember the HSTS setting of the site. Default: 17280000 (200 days)  
hsts_include_subdomains When set, the browser also does not use http for subdomains. Default: false  
hsts_preload When set, the site’s HSTS setting will be stored by the browser vender. This means that browsers only use https. Use with care, because it is hard to revert wrong settings. Default: false