Running on Port 80 and Port 443

Using standard ports helps visitors discover your page and removes the awkward port number from URLs.

The HTTP and HTTPS protocols are normally served on TCP ports 80 and 443. It is beneficial to run a these services on those standard ports: it aids discovery and lends a air of polish while a non-standard port number suggests something is incomplete.

*nix systems only allow the superuser (root) to bind to ports below 1024. HTTP & HTTPS use ports 80 & 443 respectively. So setting up Zotonic to serve from those ports without running as superuser presents a problem, as *nix considers all ports below 1024 to be “privileged”, requiring special access.

Other webservers (like nginx) typically do not have this problem, as they usually run their main unix process as root, but forking off child processes as non-privileged workers. Zotonic cannot be made to work like that because it is just one unix process, and running Zotonic entirely as the root user is considered harmful.

This manual outlines three different methods to let Zotonic listen on port 80. All of them are for *nix based systems only.

Pre-launch notes

Before Zotonic serves its sites on a privileged ports, the hostname portions of your Zotonic sites need to be changed to reflect this.

For production release of your new Zotonic site you need to:

  • Make sure that your server has a public IP address, and that the server accepts connections on port 80.

  • For each of your Zotonic sites, configure their DNS (e.g. to point to your server’s IP address.

  • Ensure {hostname, "mysite"} is set to {hostname, ""} in apps_user/mysite/priv/zotonic_site.config. This last change enables the virtual hosting: it makes sure that Zotonic knows which site is being requested when somebody visits


    Your actual site location might be different, see the zotonic user directory.

Running behind another web server / proxy

You run another web server to proxy requests from port 80 to 8000 and from 443 to 8443. Varnish and nginx are both very capable web servers for doing this.

However, Zotonic itself is also very capable of directly serving web content without needing an extra caching layer in between. The other methods listed below explain how Zotonic can obtain direct access to the privileged ports.

Using authbind

Note: Instructions below assume site is named mysite and Zotonic is installed in /home/zotonic/zotonic. Replace as appropriate.

Install authbind:

zotonic:~$ sudo apt-get install authbind

Configure authbind to allow zotonic user to access port 80 and 443:

zotonic:~$ sudo install -m 500 -o zotonic /dev/null /etc/authbind/byport/80
zotonic:~$ sudo install -m 500 -o zotonic /dev/null /etc/authbind/byport/443

When you want to run zotonic’s incoming mail server on port 25, you can make a similar authbind configuration for this port.

Set up the environment.

Make sure zotonic will listen on port 80 and 443. Either by setting this in the environment variables described below, or configuring it in zotonic’s zotonic.config file.

Add the following entries to /home/zotonic/.profile, then save file & exit:


Source the file to update the environment:

zotonic:~$ . ~/.profile

Or put the following entries in zotonic’s zotonic.config file:

{listen_port, 80},
{ssl_listen_port, 443}

Stop zotonic if already running:

zotonic:~$ ~/zotonic/bin/zotonic stop

Start zotonic:

zotonic:~$ authbind --deep ~/zotonic/bin/zotonic start

Browse to https://yoursite/ and verify that everything is working like it should.

Using setcap

Warning: this is a much broader approach as it grants privileged bind to all Erlang VM processes (the beam and beam.smp executables). Unless you are the sole user of such a machine this is not a great idea.

From a shell, install the setcap program:

sudo apt-get install libcap2-bin

Now configure setcap to allow Erlang BEAM processes user to bind to ports lower than 1024:

sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.9.2/bin/beam
sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.9.2/bin/beam.smp

Note that the exact paths to the beam and beam.smp can be different, depending on the Erlang version.

During package upgrades Erlang may be upgraded and your site will seem to be broken. Just make sure to check the ERTS version and rerun these setcaps commands for the new version.

For more granular control, you could create an Erlang release that only the Zotonic User can access. Once the release is created setcap could be applied to the beam and beam.smp within that release only.

Using iptables

If authbind and setcap will not work for you, using the system firewall to redirect the ports can be an option.

Firewall prerouting can be enabled as follows to forward communication on port 80 to port 8000 and port 443 to port 8443:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to 8000
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to 8443

You also need two more rules so that the site can reach itself. In the following firewall rules, replace your.ip.address with your external IP address:

iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d your.ip.address --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to 8000
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d your.ip.address --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to 8443

The downside of using the firewall is that Zotonic still also listens on port 8000. This might be a cause for confusion.

For instructions on how to save these firewall rules and reinstate them after a system reboot, consult the Ubuntu firewall administration manual.