Upgrade notes

These notes list the most important changes between Zotonic versions. Please read these notes carefully when upgrading to a new major Zotonic version.

Upgrading from 0.x to 1.0

Before upgrading to 1.0, be sure to check the upgrade notes for the latest 0.x version, especially if you are upgrading from before 0.12. See the upgrade notes on 0.x for more information.


Support for Erlang versions before 23 was dropped.

Zotonic modules are now separately published as packages to Hex.pm, which allows you to build your own Zotonic distribution and to have each of your sites depend on the Zotonic modules (and other Erlang packages) it needs.

This was done by restructuring Zotonic into an umbrella application. The src/ directory was moved to new zotonic_core app.





The HTTP and SMTP listeners were moved to a new zotonic_listen_http and zotonic_listen_smtp app respectively.

A zotonic_launcher app was introduced for starting Zotonic.

All built-in modules, the testsandbox and the status sites are now to be found in the apps/ directory.


Only the zotonic/zotonic-dev image is now available and automatically updated.

We have decided to drop the other Docker images as in practice everybody was creating their own production images anyway.

All files used by the Docker container are now placed in the docker-data directory.

See for more information Docker.

Sites and modules are now OTP apps

Both sites and modules now follow the standard OTP directory structure, which means all Erlang files should reside in src/ and all other files (templates, dispatch rules etc.) in priv/.





The user_sites_dir and user_modules_dir configurations have been removed. The default location for sites and modules is now the apps_user directory. With the ZOTONIC_APPS environment variable you can define an additional source directory outside the Zotonic umbrella apps directory.

To upgrade, move your user/modules and user/sites applications to the apps_user directory.


All resources are now maps with binary keys. Use of the previous 0.x proplists is deprecated, the fetch routines will always return maps, the update routines will convert property lists to maps before updating.

The name_to_id_check/2 functions were removed from m_category, m_predicate and m_rsc.


Id = m_rsc:name_to_id_check(Value, Context).


{ok, Id} = m_rsc:name_to_id(Value, Context).

Inserting or deleting an edge no longer modifies the last modified and modifier properties of the edge’s subject resource.

There are extra access controls on rsc properties. The privacy property controls what is visible for whom.

The function m_rsc:get_visible/2 has been removed. The function m_rsc:get/2 now checks on visibility of properties. To fetch all properties, either use m_rsc:get_raw/2 or call m_rsc:get/2 as a administrator level user.


The medium record is now a map with binary keys. Use of the previous 0.x proplists is deprecated, the fetch routines will always return maps, the update routines will convert property lists to maps before updating.


mod_acl_adminonly was replaced by mod_acl_user_groups. To create users that have access to the admin, add them to the ‘Managers’ user group.

The visible_for property semantics and the the acl_can_see notification were removed. You can get similar functionality by adding users to user and collaboration groups. These are provided by mod_acl_user_groups. The visible_for rsc table property has been kept for BC. So if you’re using mod_acl_adminonly, mod_acl_simple_roles or a custom ACL module you can still rely on the property.

The acl_rsc_update_check notification was removed.


All auth notifications values were converted to records.


observe_auth_logon(auth_logon, Context, _Context) ->


observe_auth_logon(#auth_logon{}, Context, _Context) ->


Port configuration environment variables were changed.


ZOTONIC_PORT=80 ZOTONIC_SSL_PORT=443 bin/zotonic start



Black/white-lists are now called block/allow-lists.

  • proxy_whitelist is now proxy_allowlist
  • smtp_dnsbl is now smtp_dns_blocklist
  • smtp_dnswl is now smtp_dns_allowlist
  • ip_whitelist is now ip_allowlist
  • ip_whitelist_system_management is now ip_allowlist_system_management

If an IP is on DNS allowlist then z_email_dnsbl:status/2 returns now {ok, allowed}.


m_edge, m_identity, m_rsc, m_rsc_import and m_rsc_update no longer throw exceptions. Instead, they return an {error, atom()} tuple on failure.


m_edge:insert(Id, this_predicate_does_not_exist, UserId, Context).
%% crashes with an exception


m_edge:insert(Id, this_predicate_does_not_exist, UserId, Context).
%% fails silently, so to make it crash:

{ok, _EdgeId} = m_edge:insert(Id, this_predicate_does_not_exist, UserId, Context).

%% alternatively:
case m_edge:insert(Id, this_predicate_does_not_exist, UserId, Context) of
    {ok, _EdgeId} ->
        "Everything fine!";
    {error, Reason} ->
        "Something went wrong!"


The lager logger has been removed and replaced with the standard erlang logger application.

For this to work:

  • Add the logger configuration to the erlang.config file. See Logging for an example.
  • Remove the lager definition from the erlang.config file.


Modules mod_atom and mod_atom_feed were removed. You can export data in a variety of formats using mod_export.


Mochijson structures replaced with Erlang maps.

All JSON encoding/decoding now relies on JSX and goes through z_json:encode/1 and z_json:decode/1.

{trans, _} tuples should now be unpacked by the client, before calling z_json:encode/1 (previously z_json:to_mochijson/2).

Removed or deprecated functions

Deprecated functions have been removed from z_utils. Use the z_url and z_json modules instead.

Deprecated function z_utils:name_for_host/2 has been removed; use z_utils:name_for_site/2 instead.

The {% stream %} tag was removed, use MQTT websocket instead

Removed older TinyMCE versions 3.5.0 and 4.2.4.

z_utils:combine/2 is removed, use lists:join/2 instead.

z_utils:combine_defined/2 is renamed to z_utils:join_defined/2.

Removed the notify action, use the MQTT topics instead.

Module schema and data initialization

The #datamodel.data field has been removed. The notifier #manage_data has also been removed.

Now the call to (the optional) manage_schema/2 will be followed by a call to manage_data/2. Note that manage_data will be called if and only if you have a manage_schema/2 function exported (and the -mod_schema(..) version changes or the module is installed).

The manage_schema/2 function is called inside a transaction. The manage_data/2 function is called after that transaction and also after all (optional) #datamodel changes are applied.


The use_absolute_url argument of the url, image and lib tags was renamed to absolute_url.

Templates are now stored in yoursite/priv/templates/ instead of yoursite/templates/.

The maxage caching argument was renamed to max_age.

The models have now extra ACL checks.

The m.config, m.site and m.sysconfig models are only accessible as administrator. Use the models owning the various settings to access the configurations.

Exception is that the hostname and site-title information is publicly accessible using m.site.


  • m.config.site.title.value is now m.site.title
  • m.config.mod_editor_tinymce.version.value is now m.editor_tinymce.version

Check the various models of the modules for the new lookups.

The catinclude for a resource with an unique name will not look for (assuming the unique name is my_unique_name and the template is page.tpl): page.name.my_unique_name.tpl and not anymore for page.my_unique_name.tpl. Rename your templates accordingly.

The category property feature_show_address property is now called is_feature_show_address. All feature properties should be called is_feature_... to obtain a proper boolean value after the category edit form is saved.

Port, proxies and SSL certificates

SSL/https support has been completely refactored.

  • SSL self signed certificates have been moved into the core
  • New modules mod_ssl_ca and mod_ssl_letsencrypt
  • Deleted module mod_ssl
  • Port configuration has been changed, see Port configurations
  • If you have a priv/ssl directory in your site, rename it to priv/security

For an overview of https support, see HTTPS support

Erlang code, Controllers, Event handlers

If you made a site using custom controllers or request handling then you need to adapt your Erlang code. Zotonic is now using Cowboy under the hood for the http handling, previously this was MochiWeb.

The following changes are made:

  • Binaries for all request variables and arguments.
  • Events use binaries for strings in templates.
  • Cookies are binaries.
  • Request headers are binaries.
  • Controllers initialization callbacks are removed.
  • Controller callbacks have a single Context argument.
  • Custom websocket handlers are removed, implement your own using Cowboy.
  • The include file include/controller_webmachine_helper.hrl is removed (and not needed anymore).

Binaries for request variables

If you request an argument with z_context:get_q/2 and related functions then you might need to adapt some code. Requesting a query argument using an atom or binary will return a binary. Requesting with a string returns a string, this is for backwards compatibility. The function get_q_all will return all arguments as binaries.

In short:

  • z_context:get_q(<<"arg">>, Context) returns <<"value">>
  • z_context:get_q(arg, Context) returns <<"value">>
  • z_context:get_q("arg", Context) returns "value"
  • z_context:get_q_all(Context) returns [ {<<"arg">>,<<"value">>}, ...]

The binary name is the preferred way to request arguments.

Events like submit, postback and postback_notify

Strings in the #submit{}, #postback{} and #postback_notify{} events are now binaries. This is especially the case for the message, trigger, target, and form fields.

For example, replace #submit{message="hello"} with #submit{message = <<"hello">>}. Watch the space between = and the <<"...">>, without the space you will get a syntax error.


Use binaries for fetching and setting cookie names and values, don’t use strings.

Request and response headers

All request and response headers now use binary names and values, do not use strings.

The request and response header names are normalized to lowercase names, so always use <<"x-my-header">> and never <<"X-My-Header">>.

The header values are passed as-is, and they are always binaries.


The controllers are simplified and will need some adaptations.

The following callbacks are removed:

  • init
  • ping

All other callbacks have now a single Context argument, the ReqData argument has been removed. There is no need anymore for the ?WM_REQ and ?WM_REPLY macros, and they have been removed.

Other controller changes changes are:

  • Content types are now binaries in content_types_accepted and content_types_provided
  • Character sets are now binaries in charsets_provided
  • Methods are now binaries in allowed_methods and known_methods
  • Encodings are now binaries in content_encodings_provided
  • The return value of generate_etag must be a binary


The admin_menu notifications is now a tuple: #admin_menu{}. Update the observe_admin_menu functions in sites and modules.