
See also

is_visible, is_a, filter

Filters a list on the value of a property, either on absence or inequality.

This is the inverse of filter.

Testing presence

To filter a list of values:

{% print somelist|exclude:`p` %}

Results in a list where all elements do not have the property p defined and where the property (after conversion to boolean) is false.

This can be used to filter a list of resource ids on the absence of a property. For example, to see all unpublished elements in a list of resource ids:

{% print [1,2,3,4,5,6]|exclude:`is_published` %}

To find all pages from page connection hasdocument that do not have an image:

{% print id.o.hasdocument|exclude:`depiction` %}

Testing equality

A second argument can be added to test on inequality:

{% print somelist|exclude:`title`:"Untitled" %}

Shows all elements whose title property is not “Untitled”.

Below is another example of inversely filtering a list:

{% with m.search[{latest cat='gallery'}] as result %}
  {% if result.total > 0 %}
    {%  with result|exclude:`name`:"page_home_gallery"|random as gallery_rsc_id %}
      {% include "_gallery_widget.tpl" id=gallery_rsc_id %}
    {% endwith %}
  {% endif %}
{% endwith %}

The example above filters against a search result and returns only elements whose name is not “page_home_gallery”.