
  • Module: core

Access to data about uploaded files and other media.

The medium (singular form of media) table stores all information of uploaded files or other media. Every resource can contain a single medium. A resource with a medium is most often of the category image, audio, video or document.

In template the m_media model is used to fetch the medium record by the resource id: m.media[id]. This is the same function as with m.rsc[id].medium except, that the m_rsc model does access control checks and the m_media does not.

The m_media model implements all functions to handle media files and is used by other Erlang modules.

Properties of a medium record

A medium record has minimally the following properties, other properties can be added by modules.

Property Description Example value
id Id of the medium record, equal to the page id. 512
filename Filename and path of the uploaded file, relative to the archive directory. <<”2009/10/20/zotonic-datamodel.jpg”>>
rootname Root name of the filename. <<”zotonic-datamodel”>>
original_filename Filename as suggested by the user agent when uploading the file. Can contain illegal characters. <<”Zotonic-datamodel.jpg”>>
mime Mime type of the medium. <<”image/jpeg”>>
width Width in pixels. 536
height Height in pixels. 737
orientation Exif oritentation of the image. 1
sha1 Optional sha1 checksum of uploaded file. Undefined when not present.  
size Size in bytes of the uploaded file. 71585
preview_filename Optional filename for a generated file preview.  
preview_width Optional. Width of the generated preview.  
preview_height Optional. Height of the generated preview.  
is_deletable_file If the file should be deleted when the medium record is deleted. A boolean. true
is_deletable_preview If the optionally generated preview file should be deleted when the medium record is deleted. A boolean. false
created Timestamp when the medium record is created. {{2009,10,20},{13,47,27}}