
Makes media resources from embeddable URLs through the OEmbed protocol.

This module, if activated, checks the pasted URLs in the create media / page dialog of the admin. It will show an embed option for services like YouTube, Vimeo or any other service which supports OEmbed.

A saved media resource has a thumbnail image which is downloaded from the OEmbed service and embedded in the resource. Furthermore, the resource’s medium record has an oembed field which contains the full JSON response of the request. The oembed field looks like this:

"oembed": {
  "type": "video",
  "version": "1.0",
  "provider_name": "Vimeo",
  "provider_url": "",
  "title": "Heli Filming Showreel",
  "author_name": "Hot Knees Media",
  "author_url": "",
  "is_plus": "1",
  "html": "<iframe src=\"\" width=\"640\" height=\"362\" ...",
  "width": 640,
  "height": 362,
  "duration": 106,
  "description": "description..",
  "thumbnail_url": "",
  "thumbnail_width": 640,
  "thumbnail_height": 362,
  "video_id": 20898411

So, to display the HTML of an OEmbedded medium, you would do the following in a template:

{{ id.medium.html }}

The module also supports the use of the media tag:

{% media m.rsc[id].o.depiction.medium %}

Note however, that setting dimensions on this media tag is not supported for OEmbed, as the embed width/height is always taken from the provider.

Configuration options

The following m_config options are supported:


The API key for Embedly. This configuration kan be added set in the admin via the menu Auth -> External Services.


Requests the OEmbed service to return an HTML embed code with the requested maximum width. Defaults to 640.


Requests the OEmbed service to return an HTML embed code with the requested maximum height. Not set by default.