
The mod_ssl_ca module adds support for using SSL certificates bought from a Certificate Authority.

A free alternative to CA provided tickets is Let’s Encrypt, see mod_ssl_letsencrypt.

Certificate and key files

The certificate and key files are placed into the site sub-directory of the security directory. The subdirectory will be: sitename/ca/

Where sitename must be replaced with the name of your site.

The security directory can be found by inspecting the output of:

bin/zotonic config

The Zotonic security directory can be in one of the following directories:

  • The environment variable ZOTONIC_SECURITY_DIR
  • The ~/.zotonic/security directory
  • The /etc/zotonic/security directory (only on Linux)
  • The OS specific directory for application data files

The OS specific directories are:

  • On Unix: ~/.config/zotonic/security/
  • On macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/zotonic/security/

The default is the OS specific directory.

If there is a directory priv/security/ca inside your site’s OTP application folder then that directory will be used.

The filenames are checked against their extension. When you copy your files to the ca directory then you need to ensure that they have the right extensions.

The following file extensions are expected:

*.pem or *.key
This holds the private key for the encryption. The key must be unlocked and in PKCS#1 format (see below).
This is the certificate. Usually it is supplied by the certificate authority where you bought it. It can also be a self signed certificate, see below.
*.ca.crt, cabundle.crt or bundle.crt

This is the (optional) CA bundle that contains root and intermediate certificates for the certificate authority that issued the .crt certificate.

The certificate authority will supply these. All supplied certificates are concatenated, with the root certificate last.

The concatenation is a literal command, like:

cat intermediate.crt root.crt > cabundle.crt

Due to caching, it can take up to a minute before the new certificates are used.

Format of the private key

The Erlang SSL implementation accepts PKCS#1 and PKCS#8 format keys. OpenSSL generates (since 2010) PKCS#8 format keys.

A PKCS#1 key starts with:


A PKCS#8 key starts with:


If there are problems then check if the .key or .pem file starts with one of the above strings.

Using SSL certificates

If you order a SSL certificate, the signing authority will ask you which kind of web server you are using and a CSR file. For the web server, select other. For the CSR, use the following command:

openssl req -out certificate.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout certificate.key

When OpenSSL asks for the Common Name then fill in the site’s hostname (e.g.

From the SSL certificate authority you will receive a signed .crt file and maybe a cabundle.crt file.

See the section Certificate and key files above for instructions how to use the .crt and .key files.

Generating a self signed certificate

There is no need to make your own self signed certificate as Zotonic will generate one for every site.

Nevertheless, if you want to use your own self signed certificate, then run the following commmands:

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -subj '/' -newkey rsa:2048 \
     -keyout certificate.key -out certificate.crt

This generates a private key of 2048 bits and a certificate that is valid for 10 years.