
Import Twitter updates in your Zotonic site in realtime.

The Twitter module allows you to have Tweets ‘mirrored’ from Twitter into your Zotonic site. It does this by creating a background process which has a continuous HTTP connection to the Twitter Streaming API. This way, Tweets arrive instantly at your Zotonic site, no polling necessary!

Twitter login

First, create an app on Twitter. Point it’s callback URL to your Zotonic site. Then in your site, activate mod_twitter. Head to ‘Auth’ > ‘External services’ in the admin interface to enter your Twitter app’s consumer key and secret. Enable Twitter login by checking the ‘Use Twitter authentication’ box. This will add a ‘Log in with Twitter’ button to the logon form on your site.

Importing Tweets

The mod_twitter module can import Tweets into Zotonic using Twitter’s Streaming API.

Activate mod_twitter. Then head to ‘Auth’ > ‘External services’ in the admin interface to enter your Twitter access token and secret.

The module will follow any user(s) in your site that you entered their Twitter ID for. You can so by going to a person’s page in the admin. In the edit page’s right sidebar, you will find a new item, ‘Twitter ID’. Here, enter the numeric Twitter ID of the user. Only public (or unprotected) Tweets will be imported.

Domain model

The domain model for this module is the following: the module creates a category ‘Tweet’ as a subcategory of ‘text’. Each time a Tweet is imported, a resource of this category is created.

From the Tweet there is an ‘author’ edge to the person that created the Tweet (i.e. the user who you set the Twitter ID on).

The body text of the Tweet resource is HTML will already be preprocessed with the twitter filter, so URLs, hashtags and @-links are converted to HTML already when the Tweet is saved.

The original value of the Tweet (the JSON object received from Twitter) is stored inside the tweet property in the Tweet resource, and can be displayed like this:

{% print m.rsc[id].tweet %}