
Make charts with Google.

This tag interfaces to the Google chart API to dynamically generate charts.

For example:

{% google_chart type="line" axis={axis position="bottom" labels=["jan","feb","mar"]}
   axis={axis position="left" labels=[0,25,50,75,100]} data=[{data values=[20,80,33]}] %}

Will generate the following image tag:

<img class='google_chart' alt='google chart'
   width='300' height='150'/>

View the chart.

Google chart accepts the following arguments:

Argument Description Example
type Kind of chart is generated. One of “line”, “sparkline”, “stacked_horizontal_bar”, “stacked_vertical_bar”, “grouped_horizontal_bar”, “grouped_vertical_bar”, “pie” or “pie3d”. Defaults to “line”. type=”sparkline”
id The id of the generated image tag. id=”mychart”
class CSS class of the generated image tag. The class “google_chart” is always added. class=”chart”
style CSS style attribute for the generated image tag. style=”border: 1px solid #fcc”
title Title shown on the chart. title=”Browser shares”
color Color for the title. Must be in hexadecimal, defaults to “909090”. color=”ffcc00”
font_size Font size in pixels for the title. Defaults to 10. font_size=12
width Width of the generated chart. Defaults to 300. width=450
height Height of the generated chart. height=200
grid_x X axis grid step size. grid_x=10
grid_y Y axis grid step size. grid_y=10
grid_line_length Length of line segment for the grid lines, defaults to 1. grid_line_length=1
grid_blank_length Length of gaps in the grid lines, defaults to 5. grid_blank_length=5
background_color Background color for the complete chart. in hexadecimal, defaults to “ffffff”. background_color=”331133”
chart_color Background color for the chart area. In hexadecimal, defaults to “ffffff”. chart_color=”113311”
legend_location Where the legend is placed. One of “top”, “left”, “bottom” or “right”. Defaults to “bottom”. legend_location=”right”
axis Description of an axis. You can given more than one axis argument. See the section Axis styles and labels below.  
data The data to be shown. You can give more than one data argument. See Data definition below.  
bar_space Space in pixels between the bar of a bar chart. Defaults to 3. bar_space=5
bar_group_space Space in pixels between the groups of bars of a bar chart. Defaults to 7. bar_group_space=10

Axis styles and labels

Axis styles and labels are available for line charts and bar charts.

An example for an axis argument is:

axis={axis font_size=10 color="909090" position="top" labels=["jan", "feb", "mar"]}

This defines an axis that will be displayed above the chart. It has three labels and will be displayed in a 10 pixel font with color “909090”. You can give a multiple axis arguments and also a list of axes for each argument.

Valid arguments for an axis are:

Argument Description Example
font_size Size of the labels in pixels. Defaults to 10. font_size=12
color Color for the label texts, in hexadecimal RGB. Defaults to “909090”. color=”cc0000”
position Which axis is defined. One of “top”, “right”, “bottom” and “left”. Defaults to “top”. You can have multiple definitions for a position. position=”bottom”
labels A list with labels displayed. The labels will be evenly distributed over the axis. labels=[2006,2007,2008]


All data definitions to be displayed. Each data definition is a record with arguments. You can supply all data sets at once or with multiple data arguments.

Example with one data set:

data=[{data line_width=1 min_value=1 max_value=100 values=[10,20,42,34,68,73,80]}]

Valid arguments for a data record are:

Argument Description Example
line_width The width of the line in pixels. Defaults to 1. line_width=2
line_length Length of line segment in pixels. Defaults to 1. line_length=1
blank_length Length of blank segment in pixels. Defaults to 0. blank_length=1
min_value The minimum value for the data set, used for the axis. Defaults to 0. min_value=-100
max_value The maximum value for the data set, used for the axis. Defaults to 100. max_value=100
color The color used for this data set. Hexadecimal RGB value. color=”ffcc00”
legend Label for the dataset as shown in the legend. legend=”monthly sales”
values The values for drawing the chart. Must be a list. values=[0,10,5,8]

See also

tags chart_pie and chart_pie3d.