all include

See also

tag include.

Call all modules to include a certain template.

  • {% all include "foobar.tpl" %} will include all templates named foobar.tpl.
  • {% include "foobar.tpl" %} only includes the highest priority foobar.tpl.

Exactly the same module priority is also valid for all files in the lib/ directory of modules.

This allows any module to change the static css, javascript, images, favicon.ico, robots.txt and other static files with its own version.

This is an extension on the include tag. It will include all templates with the given name, instead of the first one found. Templates are defined in modules, because of that multiple modules can define a template with the same name.

For example when you have two modules (mod_a and mod_b), both with the template _name.tpl. When the template in mod_a is defined as:

this is mod_a's {{ hello }}

and in mod_b as:

this is mod_b's {{ hello }}

then the tag:

{% all include "_name.tpl" hello="world" %}

Will output:

this is mod_a's world
this is mod_b's world

The modules will be called in the order of their defined priority. This is the order in which they are listed in the module admin page.

Examples of this mechanism can be found in mod_admin, for example the main menu and the category specific editing fields on the edit page.

Another example is the _html_head.tpl template which is included from the base.tpl template and allows all modules to add HTML to the head of a generated HTML page.