
See also

Media developer guide.

See also

Media classes for some options that are only available in mediaclass files.

See also

image_url, image_data_url and media tags.

Show a still image using an <img> element. The image will be automatically resized to the desired size and filters. For video, use the media tag instead.

For example:

{% image "cow.jpg" width=200 height=200 crop %}

This will generate an image tag for the image “cow.jpg” (in the files/archive directory) of 200x200 pixels. The image will be resized and cropped to the requested size. The image tag will be something like (the checksum will vary per sign key):

<img src="/image/cow.jpg%28200x200%29%28crop%29%28981E1AD8DA60381D00C094F0EE1311F5%29.jpg" width="200" height="200" />

The file argument can be one of the following:

  • filename relative to the archive folder (“cow.jpg” is always present)
  • resource id of a resource with attached file (mostly of the category “media”)
  • property list of a resource’s medium record.

So, to render a resource’s depiction:

{% image id width=200 height=200 %}

Please note that even if you supply no arguments, the image will be processed to be scaled, based on the quality argument’s default value.



The maximum with of the image. Example:



The maximum height of the image. Example:



Do not generate the width and height attributes. Per default the image width and height are calculated and added to the generated img tag. This option prevents the addition of width and height attributes.


The media class of the image. Example:


The mediaclass is added as a CSS class to the generated image, prefixed with mediaclass-. For example:

{% img mediaclass="large" %}

Might become:

<img src="/image/2021/3/29/pic.jpg%28mediaclass-large.e911845ed2e692bab8ebceb676409a04066cf43b%29.jpg"
     decoding="async" alt="" class="mediaclass-large" width="2459" height="800">


The background color for transparent image parts, specified as ImageMagick colors. Example:



Removes the image background. Accepts an optional fuzziness parameter (from 0 to 100). Examples:


Optionally a background color can be given as well:



Blur the image, making it less sharp. See ImageMagick blur for valid argument values. Example:



Rotate the image in three dimensions: roll, tilt and pan. The size of the original image and canvas is maintained. This results in clipping at the edges.

rotate3d is useful for straigthening photos of flag objects that are taken under an angle.

The rotate3d accepts three arguments:

rotate3d=[ 1, 2, -3 ]

This rotates the image:

  • Roll 1 degree clockwise around the Z axis (like css rotateZ).
  • Tilt 2 degrees clockwise around the X axis (like css rotateX)
  • Pan 3 degrees counter clockwise around the Y axis (like css rotateY)

The center of the rotation is at the center of the image.

rotate3d, rotate and cropp are applied before other operations.


Rotate the image by a multiple of 90 degrees. The image size is adjusted according to the rotation:


This will rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise. Use a negative number to rotate counter clockwise.

Acceptable values are: 0, 90, 180, 270, -90, -180, and -270

rotate3d, rotate and cropp are applied before other operations.


Crop percentages from the sides of an image. The image is cropped by a percentage of the width and/or height. The crop’s argument is a list of numbers, in the order: left, right, top, bottom:

cropp=[ 10, 15, 20, 30 ]

The example above crops 10% from the left side, 15% from the right, 20% from the top, and 30% from the bottom. The resulting image will be 65% of the original width and 50% of the original height.

rotate3d, rotate and cropp are applied before other operations.


Crop the image. The resulting image will have the exact width and height as described in the width and height arguments (see above).

The crop argument determines the cropping center. It either has the form +x+y (a set of coordinates in the image) or one of north, north_east, east, south_east, south, south_west, west, north_west and center (the default). To define the cropping in your template:

crop=[100, 100]

The cropping center can also be determined by editors on the media item’s admin page (using mod_image_edit). Without any argument, the image will be cropped around the user-defined cropping center:


The coordinate of the cropping center is relative to the original image, before rotate and cropp operations.

If mod_media_exif and mod_image_edit are enabled then the focal point information of the image is taken as the cropping center for automatic cropping.


Add whitespace around the image until it fits the requested dimensions. Resize the image so that it fits inside the width/height box, then extend the image with a white background.


Forces the image to scale up to the requested dimensions.


Mirror left and right sides of the image.


Mirror the top and bottom of the image.


Make the image greyscale.


Change the brightness of an image. A percentage in the range of -100 .. 100(%). Negative values darken the image, positive brighten the image. This applies a lineair multiplier to the input image, similar to the css brighten filter. Defaults to 0, no change.


Change the contrast of an image. A percentage in the range of -100 .. 100(%). Negative values decrease the contrast of the image, positive values increase the contrast. A value of -100 results in a gray image. Defaults to 0, no change.


Controls whether resized image should become JPEG (lossless=false) or PNG/GIF images (lossless=true). When set to auto, PNG and GIF images will stay PNG/GIF images after resizing.

This protects PNG/GIF clip art and logos from being encoded as JPEGs and becoming blurry.

Defaults to false. Examples:



Make a progressive JPEG or interlaced PNG/GIF image.

Use line or plane to create an interlaced PNG or GIF or progressive JPEG image.

line uses scanline interlacing (RRR...GGG...BBB...RRR...GGG...BBB...), and plane uses plane interlacing (RRRRRR...GGGGGG...BBBBBB...).

For JPEG images this is per default set to plane. To disable set to none.




Make the image black and white.


Set the quality of the resulting JPEG. An integer between 0 and 100, where 100 is best quality. The default quality is inversely proportional to the output image resolution: higher-resolution images still look good even with a limited quality. Note that images smaller than 400x400 are sharpened before JPEG compression.




The text for the alt="..." attribute of the <img>. Example:

alt="A nice image"


The text for the class="..." attribute of the <img>. Example:



Use webp to produce an image in WEBP format. This reduces the size of images about about 30%. When used with lossless set to auto it uses lossless compresson when the input image is in gif or or png format. Note: webp is currently the only possible option. Example:



Ensure that the generated URL contains the hostname and port.