Dispatch rules

Dispatch rules route incoming requests to controllers.

A dispatch rule contains a pattern that is matched against the URL of an incoming request. When a URL is requested by the web browser, the dispatcher looks at the URL and matches it against all dispatch rules. Based on the match, it calls a to handle the request.

Dispatch rules are also used for the reverse action of generating request URLs in your templates and Erlang code. As long as you use dispatch rules in your application, you don’t have to hard-code request URLs.

Defining dispatch rules

Dispatch rules are defined in a dispatch file in the priv/dispatch directory of a module or site. This dispatch file contains a list of dispatch rules. For example:

%% Example dispatch rules
    {home,      [],                         controller_page,  [ {template, "home.tpl"}, {id, page_home} ]},
    {features,  ["features"],               controller_page,  [ {template, "features.tpl"}, {id, page_features} ]},
    {collection,["collection", id, slug],   controller_page,  [ {template, "collection.tpl"} ]},
    {category,  ["category", id, slug],     controller_page,  [ {template, "category.tpl"} ]},
    {documentation, ["documentation", id, slug], controller_page, [ {template, "documentation.tpl"} ]}

Each dispatch rule is a tuple that contains four elements:

  1. The dispatch rule name (e.g. collection).
  2. The match pattern for the request URL’s path (e.g., collection/{id}/{slug}).
  3. The controller that will handle the request (controller_page above).
  4. An optional list of controller arguments (in our example above, the template name to be rendered).

Let’s look at each of these elements in turn.

1. Dispatch rule name

Each dispatch rule must have a name. This name is used for generating URLs.

Dispatch rules do not have to be unique: if multiple rules with the same name exist, the dispatcher will look at the first rule that matches both the name and the optional extra arguments that were given.

2. Match pattern

In your match patterns, use:

  • strings to define fixed parts that must match the URL (e.g. collection/)
  • atoms to define dispatch rule arguments (e.g. id and slug) that will bind to the URL part at that position
  • the special atom '*' to bind to the remaining part of the URL. This must be the last element of the path.

So a request to http://yoursite/collection/123/nice-slug-you-got-there matches the collection dispatch rule above, with the following bindings:

argument value
id 123
slug nice-slug-you-got-there

You can access the values with the q template variable:

{{ q.id }}
{{ q.slug }}

To view all variables, use the debug tag.

Order of rules

Dispatch rules are processed from top to bottom, so make sure the more specific rules are above more general ones.

Match pattern constraints with regular expressions

Some developers need very particular control of dispatch in order for their applications to function as they want them to.

Say you want to only accept numerical arguments as an id in:

{foo, ["foo", id], controller_foo, []}

The you can use a dispatch rule with a regular expression test:

{foo, ["foo", {id, "^[0-9]+$"}], controller_foo, []}

or, you can specify some extra options:

{foo, ["foo", {id, "1?2?", [notempty]}], controller_foo, []}

In this case, the id must contain a 1 or a 2, amongst any other characters.

3. Controller

The third element of the dispatch rule is the controller that will handle the incoming request. This can be one of Zotonic’s built-in controllers or a custom controller.

4. Controller arguments

The last element is an optional property list that will be passed as arguments to the controller. Refer to the documentation for each controller for available arguments.

Generating URLs

In templates

To generate URLs in templates, use the url tag and pass the dispatch rule name:

{% url home %}

And with dispatch rule arguments:

{% url collection id=123 slug="nice-slug-you-got-there" %}

which gives: /collection/123/nice-slug-you-got-there.

Any arguments that are not defined in the dispatch rule are appended as query string parameters, so:

{% url features var=1 x="hello" %}

will result in the URL /features?var=1&x=hello.

In Erlang

To generate URLs in your Erlang code, use z_dispatcher:

z_dispatcher:url_for(features, Context).

%% and with dispatch rule arguments:
z_dispatcher:url_for(collection, [{id, 123}, {slug, "nice-slug-you-got-there"}], Context).

Dispatcher details

Organizing dispatch files

A module or site can have multiple dispatch files, and they can have any filename as long as you don’t use the extension .erl.

The module indexer will load all dispatch files. They can be reloaded with the “rescan” button in the admin modules page. Illegal dispatch files are skipped, showing an error message in the Zotonic shell.

When your dispatch rules don’t work, check first if there are any typos, then check if your dispatch rules are not overruled by a module that loads earlier. Modules are loaded on priority first, then on module name.

URL rewriting

Before URLs are matched, they can be rewritten to match something else. This is done using the dispatch_rewrite notification. This allows one to set extra context variables or change the (internal) URL so different dispatch rules get triggered.

An application of URL rewriting allows you to set the Zotonic language based on the domain that is being requested on your site. To set up domain-based language detection using the following code snippet:

observe_dispatch_rewrite(#dispatch_rewrite{host=Host}, {Parts, Args}, _Context) ->
    Language = case Host of
        <<"example.nl">> -> nl;
        <<"example.de">> -> de;
         _ -> en  %% default language
    {Parts, [{z_language, Language} | Args]}.

This leaves the request URI intact (the Parts variable), but injects the z_language variable into the request context, overriding the language selection.

For this setup to work, this requires you to have the {redirect, false} option in your site, and the appropriate hostalias directives for each host. See Anatomy of a site for more details.

Dispatch rule options

There is one dispatch rule option that is valid for all dispatch rules: allow_frame

Normally pages are not allowed to be displayed inside a frame on another domain than the domain of served frame.

This is done by setting the HTTP header: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin

If this option is given then the X-Frame-Options header is omitted and the dispatch rule is allowed to be displayed inside a frame on any website.

Unmatched hosts/domains

First, the dispatcher finds the site that matches the HTTP host in the request. If no site can be found then the dispatcher will first check all enabled sites with a dispatch_host notification to see if any site has a known redirect.

If this fails then the dispatcher will select a default site (usually the status site) to handle the request.

If no site is running at all then a bare bones ‘404 Not Found’ page will be shown.

See mod_custom_redirect for redirecting unknown domains.

Unmatched paths

If the dispatcher has found a site to handle the request, it looks for a dispatch rule that matches the request path. If no such rule can be found, a dispatch notification is triggered.

The module mod_base will check the request path against the page_path property of all resources. After that the module mod_custom_redirect will check the configured redirect locations.

Dispatch rule BNF

A dispatch rule is built up as follows:

{RuleName, UrlPattern, ControllerModule, ControllerArgs}
RuleName = atom()
PathSpec = [PathSegmentSpec]
PathSegmentSpec = StaticMatch | Wildcard | Variable
StaticMatch = string()
Wildcard = '*'
PathVariable = atom() | {atom(), RegExp} | {atom{}, RegExp, ReOptions}
RegExp = string()
ReOptions = [term()]
ResourceModule = atom()
ResourceArgs = [{Key,Value}]

All PathVariables in the matching rule are made available to the resource through z_context. The ResourceArgs proplist is passed to ControllerModule:init/1.

PathVariables are part of the request-scope configuration of ControllerModule . Things like the ID, name or category of a page being requested can be gathered effectively here. Judicious use of PathVariables can substantially reduce the number of dispatch rules while making them easier to read.

ControllerArgs is the rule-scope configuration of ControllerModule. It makes it possible to reuse a well-designed resource module in many dispatch rules with different needs. ControllerArgs is effective for establishing implementation details like the template to be used, whether or not to do caching and where to load static resources from.