Testing sites

It is possible to create end-to-end integration tests for Zotonic websites. Tests like these are called sitetests. They run within the Zotonic shell, starting the website under test using a special database schema so that the main database is not affected by the tests.

To run the sitetests for a site called example, run the following command:


This will stop the example site, create a new database schema (called z_sitetest), start the site (which installs all the site’s data, e.g. those defined by the Module versioning, into the new schema), and then scans all compiled Erlang modules for modules named example_*_sitetest.erl. These found test modules are then run using Erlang’s standard EUnit test framework.


The filename pattern of the tests is (sitename)_(testname)_sitetest.erl, where sitename is the name of the site under test (lowercase alphanumerics + underscores), and testname is a name for the test suite (lowercase alphanumerics only). testname cannot contain any underscores.

Besides running the tests from the Erlang shell, they can also be run from the terminal Command-line:

$ zotonic sitetest example

This is convenient for integration into CI systems.

Example sitetest module

Put the following inside the example site under the filename tests/example_administrator_sitetest.erl:



sudo_context() ->

administrator_name_test() ->
  ?assertEqual(<<"Site Administrator">>, m_rsc:p(1, title, sudo_context())),

Test Driven Development

Running the sitetests is integrated into the filewatcher hooks. As soon as you edit a *_sitetest.erl file, all tests in that specific sitetest file will be executed.

While developing a site it is often handy to continuously run the tests while you are developing the site.

To establish this, you can call z_sitetest:watch(site) to start watching all Erlang files inside the site under development. When the filetest is watching a site, all filetests are triggered as soon as any Erlang module inside your site is being recompiled.

To stop the automatic test running again, call z_sitetest:unwatch(site).

Example testing output

Running the test command z_sitetest:run(example)., will produce output similar to the following:

(zotonic001@host)33> z_sitetest:run(example).
15:45:18.162 [info] Site stopped: example (<0.17763.0>)
15:45:18.682 [warning] [example] Database connection failure: noschema
15:45:18.688 [warning] [example] Creating schema "z_sitetest" in database "example"
15:45:18.693 [info] [example] Retrying install check after db creation.
15:45:18.702 [warning] [example] Installing database with db options: [{dbschema,"z_sitetest"},{dbdatabase,"example"},{dbhost,"localhost"},{dbport,5432},{dbuser,"zotonic"}]
15:45:19.226 [info] example: Install start.
15:45:19.226 [info] Inserting categories
15:45:19.257 [info] Inserting base resources (admin, etc.)
15:45:19.264 [info] Inserting username for the admin
15:45:19.267 [info] Inserting predicates
15:45:19.290 [info] example: Install done.
15:45:19.299 [info] Site started: example (<0.22082.0>)
15:45:19.575 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new category 'menu'
15:45:19.604 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new menu 'main_menu'
15:45:19.723 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new category 'content_group'
15:45:19.755 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new content_group 'system_content_group'
15:45:19.775 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new content_group 'default_content_group'
15:45:19.893 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new category 'acl_user_group'
15:45:19.959 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new category 'acl_collaboration_group'
15:45:20.001 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new predicate 'hasusergroup'
15:45:20.033 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new predicate 'hascollabmember'
15:45:20.044 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new predicate 'hascollabmanager'
15:45:20.059 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new acl_user_group 'acl_user_group_anonymous'
15:45:20.071 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new acl_user_group 'acl_user_group_members'
15:45:20.079 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new acl_user_group 'acl_user_group_editors'
15:45:20.086 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new acl_user_group 'acl_user_group_managers'
15:45:20.393 [info] [example] info @ z_datamodel:169  Creating new category 'admin_content_query'
======================== EUnit ========================
example_testone_sitetest: administrator_name_test (module 'example_administrator_sitetest')...[0.022 s] ok
  Test passed.