
Many sites need to support content and templates in multiple languages. Luckily, Zotonic is completely multilingual, out of the box. mod_translation does all the work for you.

Zotonic will try to serve the page in the language of the user (based on the browser’s HTTP Accept header) or the selected language from the URL. If this fails, Zotonic falls back to the default language as configured on the Translation admin page.

In Zotonic, two kinds of information are being translated.

  • Static translations: The fixed texts in your templates, like button labels, confirmation texts, etc.
  • Translated content, as edited in the admin. The text fields of each resource can be translated in multiple languages.

Enabling multiple languages

Before you can use multiple languages, you first need to enable mod_translation.

Next, you need to tell Zotonic which languages you are going to use. You can do this in admin: Structure > Translation.

On this page you can add and remove languages, enable/disable languages and more.

The selected language can optionally get displayed in the URL of the page - useful if language versions of the page should be accessible as permanent URLs, for instance for search engine indexing.

The language code in the URL is either a 2-letter code (e.g. en), a 2-2 language-territory combination (e.g. en-gb), a 2-4 language-script combination (e.g. zh-hant), or a language-territory-territory combination (e.g. zh-hant-hk).

Translation sources

Texts in templates are made localizable with different forms of underscore syntax.

Translate tag:

{_ Translate me _}

Interpolation trans tag:

{% trans "Hello {foo} World" foo=_"happy" %}

As part of a tag parameter:

{% button text=_"Click me" %}

Texts in erl files use the ?__() syntax:

?__("Translate me", Context)

and with binary strings:

?__(<<"Translate me">>, Context)

using string concatenation:

[?__("Edit:", Context), " " ++ Title]

and with binary strings:

?__(<<"Edit:"/binary, " ", Title/binary>>, Context)

Generation of translations

The fixed texts in a Zotonic website are translated using the GNU gettext .po file format and its related tools. If you’re not using our Docker images, you may have to install gettext first:

$ sudo apt-get install gettext

In Zotonic, translations files are placed in two locations:

  • for the core modules, the translation files are consolidated in priv/translations/;
  • third-party modules and sites, including your own, have their translation files in a priv/translations/ subdirectory in the module itself.

In the translations directory you can find the .po files containing the translations. They are marked with the their language code. (Optionally you can name your file like: nl.foobar.po as Zotonic will only look at the part till the first ‘.’ for the language code):


This shows that module mod_foo has been translated into Dutch (nl), Turkish (tr) and Chinese traditional script (zh-hant).

The .po translation files are based on translation templates (.pot files). The templates are located in translations/templates:

  • priv/translations/template/zotonic.pot for the core modules;
  • mod_foo/translations/template/mod_foo.pot for custom modules.

This .pot file is regenerated when you click on the ‘Generate .pot files’ button on the Translation page in the admin. Alternatively, from your Zotonic shell:


Zotonic will parse all your templates and Erlang modules for translatable strings. These strings are then added to the .pot files.

Creating a new translation for a module

First, add a language in the admin with the language code for that language. See the Translation page (or the code in src/i18n/languages.erl) for possible languages.

Say, we’re adding Polish, pl. Now copy the .pot template file to the language code .po file:

$ cd modules/mod_foo
$ cp translations/template/mod_foo.pot translations/pl.po

Now, open pl.po in your favorite editor and start translating the strings. A good po file editor can be found at:

Updating translation strings

When templates change, often the translatable strings change: more strings are added, strings are changed, or removed. When this happens, the translation files need to be kept in sync.

In admin: Structure > Translation > Translation Status you can find the overview of the amount of strings that are translated for each language.

After pressing the Generate .pot files button in the translation admin the .pot files are updated, but the existing .po files are not.

GNU gettext comes with a tool, msgmerge, which looks at the changed strings in a .pot file and changes the translated strings in a language’s .po file accordingly:

$ cd modules/mod_foo/translations
$ msgmerge -U -N nl.po template/mod_foo.pot

This will merge the new strings into the existing nl.po file.

To update all .po files in the directory:

$ cd modules/mod_foo/translations
$ find . -name "*.po" -print0 | xargs -0 -I file msgmerge -U -N file template/*.pot

After doing this, you’ll need to edit each po file again to check if there are new strings which need translation, edit existing strings, etc.

Helpful commands

To remove duplicates (and make a backup first), use:

$ cat nl.po > nl~.po && msguniq nl.po -o nl.po

To do this for all files, without backup:

$ find . -name "*.po" -print0 | xargs -0 -I file msguniq file -o file

Translated content

When you have enabled languages on the Translation page of the admin you will see a Translations item on the right of the edit page.

Each language has a checkbox next to it: When you click a checkbox, the language will become visible as a tab on your content items.

Resources in Zotonic are translated on a per-page basis. This allows you to start translating your site by translating the most important pages first.

Text searches, translations and stemming

For text searches a full text index is maintained. This full text index is stemmed according to the site’s configured default language.

All translations are added to the same full text index. This combined text is stemmed using a single stemmer. The selected stemmer depends on the configured default language (config key i18n.language). The stemmer can be overruled by setting the config key i18n.language_stemmer to the two letter language code of the language matching with the stemmer. You have to make sure that the stemmer is configured in PostgreSQL otherwise the pivot process will crash with a SQL error.