
Live updating templates connected to MQTT topics.

This scomp renders templates that are automatically rerendered after a publication to a MQTT topic.


This scomp is provided by mod_mqtt, this must be enabled.


An example of a template showing the newest content of a resource:

{% live template="_detail.tpl" topic=id id=id %}

This renders the template _detail.tpl. If the resource with id id is updated then the template will be replaced with a freshly rendered template.

The scomp can subscribe to multiple topics at once.

Add the argument catinclude to do a catinclude instead of a normal include. For a catinclude the argument id must be present.

Live topics

Any MQTT topic can be used. The topics are interpreted as local to the page. There are three special topics:

  • Use any integer to map to the resource’s update topic. For example if id is 1234 then the topic will be ~site/rsc/1234
  • Use the tuple {object id=... predicate=...} to listen to changes of a specific predicate of a page. An example of a mapped topic is ~site/rsc/1234/o/author
  • Use the tuple {object id=...} to listen to changes of outgoing connections from a page. An example of a mapped topic is ~site/rsc/1234/o/+
  • Use the tuple {subject id=... } to listen to changes of incoming connections to a page. An example of a mapped topic is ~site/rsc/1234/s/author

Live actions

It is possible to wire actions or postbacks to a MQTT topic.

Use {% wire type={mqtt topic=... topic=...} %} to connect to one or more MQTT topics.


{% wire type={mqtt topic="~site/public/hello"} action={growl text="hello"} %}

And in Erlang this will trigger the above growl:

z_mqtt:publish(<<"~site/public/hello">>, <<>>, z_acl:sudo(z:c(mysite))).

See also wire