
Show a pager for search results.

This generates a pager as seen on the search results pages. It is used in conjunction with a paged search result.

For example, a fulltext search where the search parameters come from the query string:

{% with[{fulltext cat=q.qcat text=q.qs}] as result %}
    {% pager result=result dispatch="admin_overview_rsc" qargs %}
    {% for id,score in result %}
      <li><a href="">{{ m.rsc[id].title }}</a></li>
    {% empty %}
      <li>Nothing found</li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endwith %}

This will show a list of titles and above that the links to the next, previous and other pages.


that we are using here and not The pager only works with results from

The generated pager code will look something like (when searching for the text “filter”):

<ul class="pager block">
<li>« prev</li>
<li class="current"><a href="/admin/overview?qs=filter&page=1">1</a></li>
<li><a href="/admin/overview?qs=filter&page=2">2</a></li>
<li><a href="/admin/overview?qs=filter&page=3">3</a></li>
<li><a href="/admin/overview?qs=filter&page=4">4</a></li>
<li class="pager-sep">…</li>
<li><a href="/admin/overview?qs=filter&page=5">5</a></li>
<li><a href="/admin/overview?qs=filter&page=2">next»</a></li>

The pager tag accepts the following arguments:

Argument Description Example
result The result from a search. This must be a #search_result or #m_search_result record. Note that this must be the result of a and not of a call. result=mysearchresult
dispatch Name of the dispatch rule to be used for the page urls. Defaults to the dispatch rule of the current page. dispatch=”searchresult”
qargs Append all the arguments in the HTTP request’s query string whose name starts with a ‘q’ as an argument to the dispatch rule. qargs
hide_single_page When this argument is true, do not show the pager when the result fits on one page (e.g. the pager will be useless). hide_single_page=1
* Any other argument is used as an argument for the dispatch rule.  


It is also possible to pass a list, a #rsc_list{ list=Ids } record, or a list of lists (pages) for the resut. In this case you need to perform the pagination for displaying the results yourself. You can use the chunk for this. The pager scomp will fetch the page and pagelen from the pager arguments, or from the query arguments (if any). If the list is pre-chunked then the pages does not need the pagelen argument.