Managing redirection after login and signup

Configure mod_signup to redirect to something other than a member’s home page.


The default behavior of Zotonic is to redirect the user to his or her own page after logon (/page). If you want to change this, you need to modify the sitename.erl file, where sitename is the name of your site. Remember that this file is located in user/sites/sitename/.


Your actual site location might be different, see the User sites directory.


Readers are assumed to be comfortable with Erlang syntax and use of the command shell.


Open user/sites/sitename/sitename.erl with your favorite editor:

$ cd /path/to/zotonic
$ vim user/sites/sitename/sitename.erl

Example 1

Redirection to the /welcome page after signup and to the /welcome-back page after logon

Add the following code:

-export([observe_signup_confirm_redirect/2, observe_logon_ready_page/2]).

%% @doc Set the page that must be opened after signup
observe_signup_confirm_redirect({signup_confirm_redirect, _UserID}, _Context) ->

%% @doc Set the page that must be open after login
observe_logon_ready_page({logon_ready_page, _}, _Context) ->

Example 2

Conditional redirection, where the site administrator is redirected to the /admin page, and all other users are redirected to the /welcome page:


%% @doc Set the page that must be opened after logon
observe_logon_ready_page({logon_ready_page, _}, Context) ->
    case z_acl:user(Context) of
        ?ACL_ADMIN_USER_ID  -> "/admin";
      _                   -> "/welcome"

Example 3

Conditional redirection with one option being the default behaviour:


%% @doc Set the page that must be opened after logon
observe_logon_ready_page({logon_ready_page, _}, Context) ->
    case z_acl:user(Context) of
        ?ACL_ADMIN_USER_ID  -> "/admin";
        _                   -> undefined     % All users except the administrator are redirected to their own pages

Example 4

Conditional redirection, where the site administrator is redirected to the /admin page and all other users are redirected to the /welcome page, unless another URL is specified:


%% @doc Set the page that must be opened after logon
observe_logon_ready_page({logon_ready_page, Url}, Context) ->
    case {z_acl:user(Context), Url} of
        {?ACL_ADMIN_USER_ID, _} ->
        {_, []} ->
        _ ->

Save your changes and quit.

Recompile zotonic:

$ cd /path/to/zotonic
$ make

Now when logging in, you should see this redirect behaviour in action.