Customizing the sign up and sign in form

You want to change parts of the form, or change its appearance.

Sign up form

The sign up form is called with dispatch rule signup, implemented by mod_signup. This module must be enabled to view the form.

The form is built from quite a number of sub templates. While this creates some level of complexity (to find out what goes where), this also provides the flexibility to change the resulting output without breaking the functional code.

For details, see “Template structure Sign up form” below.

Overriding templates

Some sub templates are more critical than others.

While it is technically possible to override the sub templates, this will likely end up with non-working pages. The Page Controller expects to receive certain values from the submitted form.

These form fields are expected to have a value:


If you want to hide a part of the form that contains a critical value, for instance the terms and conditions checkbox, you cannot just create an empty file _signup_form_fields_tos.tpl in your project, because the form value signup_tos_agree will no longer be passed.

Instead you need to pass the value through the form using a hidden input field:

<input type="hidden" name="signup_tos_agree" value="1" />

Non-critical templates can be overridden safely. For instance _signup_title.tpl will only change the title above the form, so this can be done without affecting the functionality. You could decide to add a brand logo to the title, or remove the title altogether.

Changing the configuration

The template file _signup_config.tpl is made to quickly define what parts of the sign up page should be shown. Copy the file from mod_signup to your project and change the values.

For convenience, critical variables are not exposed in the config file.

By default, two form parts are set to hidden. Make them visible by changing the value from 0 to 1:

show_signup_name_prefix         // surname prefix ("van" Gogh)
show_signup_password2           // repeat password

Two other configuration values deal with appearance: style_boxed and style_width - see below.

Changing appearance

Form fields are displayed using the Bootstrap 3 HTML structure. If you need a radical different layout that cannot be managed with CSS alone, you will need to override the form field templates.

The width of the form can be set with configuration value style_width. This should be a CSS value like “300px”. If no value is set, the form will expand to maximum width - in which case the width needs to be set by CSS.

A form background can be set with configuration value style_boxed.

CSS styles are defined in css/logon.css (mod_authentication).

Password length

The minimum password length is 6 characters, and can be changed in config value mod_authentication.password_min_length.

Sign up form in a modal dialog

Instead of directing the user to the sign up page, the form can be shown in a modal dialog:

<a id="{{ #signup }}" href="#">{_ Sign up _}</a>
{% wire
        title="Sign up"

However, this does not work well if the user wants to switch to sign in: clicking the link will load the sign in page, removing the dialog.

A better approach is to use the sign in templates and pass logon_state:

<a id="{{ #signup }}" href="#">{_ Sign up _}</a>
{% wire
        title="Sign up"

If the user now clicks on the link to sign in, the new form is shown in the same dialog.

Sign in form

For a general understanding of the templates and configuration, first read the section on Sign Up form above.

The sign in form is called with dispatch rule logon, implemented by mod_authentication. This module will normally be enabled.

Sign In covers a number of associated functions:

  • Sign in (both public and admin)
  • Request password reset
  • Feedback after reset
  • Create new password
  • Feedback when account needs verification

This makes the template structure more complex than the sign up form.

Overriding templates

The templates are quite minimal and will probably not need structural changes. Most likely candidates for changing are titles and perhaps removing/adding extra links.

For details see “Template structure Sign Up form” below.

Changing the configuration

The two configuration values in template file _logon_config.tpl deal with appearance: style_boxed and style_width (see below). Copy the file from mod_authentication to your project and change the values.

Changing appearance

Form fields are displayed using the Bootstrap 3 HTML structure. To change the layout, look at the form field templates:

  • _logon_login_form_fields.tpl
  • _logon_reminder_form_fields
  • _logon_reset_form_fields

The width of the form can be set with configuration value style_width. This should be a CSS value like “300px”. If no value is set, the form will expand to maximum width - in which case the width needs to be set by CSS

A form background can be set with configuration value style_boxed.

CSS styles are defined in css/logon.css (mod_authentication).

Reference: Template structure Sign up form

Template tree:

signup.tpl                                   // sign up page
`-- _signup_config.tpl                       // template and field configuration
    `-- _signup.tpl                          // if signed in, redirects to user page
        `-- _signup_box.tpl                  // form box components
            `-- _signup_stage.tpl            // feedback message

The central form template _signup_box.tpl is further populated by sub templates:

|-- _signup_title.tpl                        // header "Sign up"
|-- _signup_extra.tpl                        // sign up with other auth modules (if activated)
|-- _signup_form_form.tpl                    // HTML form
|   `-- _signup_form_fields.tpl              // 3 form parts plus submit button
|       |-- _signup_form_fields_email.tpl    // name and email
|       |-- _signup_form_fields_username.tpl // username and password
|       `-- _signup_form_fields_tos.tpl      // terms of service
|-- _signup_support.tpl                      // left empty
|-- _signup_outside.tpl                      // link (back) to sign in
`-- _logon_link.tpl                          // shown below sign in form

Reference: Template structure Sign Up form

Template tree:

logon.tpl                                    // sign in page
|-- _logon_config.tpl                        // template and field configuration
|   `-- _logon.tpl or _logon_modal.tpl       // logon module
|       `-- _logon_box.tpl                   // form box components
|           `-- _logon_stage.tpl             // feedback messages
|               `-- _logon_expired_form.tpl  // when pw is expired
`-- logoff.tpl                               // log off page, redirects to q.p or homepage

Two mechanisms handle the state to determine which sub templates should be read:

  • For display on the page: the dispatch rule
  • For display inside a modal: the logon_state value

Depending on the the state value, _logon_box.tpl is populated by different sub templates:

when logon_state is::
|== logon_reminder:                          // request a pw reset
|   `-- _logon_box.tpl
|       |-- _logon_reminder_title.tpl
|       |-- _logon_reminder_form.tpl
|       |   `-- _logon_reminder_form_fields.tpl or _logon_reminder_admin_form_fields.tpl
|       `-- _logon_reminder_support.tpl      // backlink to logon form
|== logon_reset:                             // reset pw
|   `-- _logon_box.tpl
|       |-- _logon_reset_title.tpl
|       |-- _logon_reset_form.tpl
|       |   `-- _logon_reset_form_fields.tpl
|       `-- _logon_reset_support.tpl         // backlink to logon form
|== admin_logon:
|   `-- _logon_box.tpl
|       |-- _logon_error.tpl
|       |-- _logon_login_form.tpl
|       |   `-- logon_login_admin_form_fields.tpl
|       |-- _logon_login_support.tpl         // link forgot password
|== signup (logon_state/modal only)
|   `-- _signup_config.tpl (see Sign Up form)
|       |-- _signup_support.tpl              // backlink to logon form
`== else:
    `-- _logon_box.tpl
        |== awaiting verification:
        |   `-- _logon_stage.tpl             // alternative content for logon box
        `== else:
            |-- _logon_login_title.tpl       // title "Sign in to ..."
            |-- _logon_login_extra.tpl       // all-include by other modules
            |-- _logon_error.tpl
            |-- _logon_login_form.tpl
            |   `-- _logon_login_form_fields.tpl
            |-- _logon_login_support.tpl     // link forgot password
            |-- _logon_login_outside.tpl     // all-include _logon_link.tpl
               `-- _logon_link.tpl           // all-include by other modules

Here the sub templates ensure a consistent markup inside the box when going from state to state.