
This module presents an interface for letting users register themselves.


Fold for determining which signup fields to validate. This is an array of {Fieldname, Validate} tuples, defaulting to [{email, true}, {name_first, true}, {name_surname_prefix, false}, {name_surname, true}]. Observers can add / remove fields using the accumulator value that is passed into the notification.
identify_verification{user_id=UserId, identity=Ident}
Sent verification requests to non verified identities.

Fold for the signup preflight check. Allows to add extra user properties or abort the signup.

If no {ok, _Props1, SignupProps} is returned, but {error, Reason}, the signup is aborted.

signup_done{id=Id, is_verified=IsVerified, props=Props, signup_props=SignupProps}
Fired when a signup procedure is done and a user has been created.
Fired when a user has signed up and confirmed his identity (e.g. over email)
Decide to which page a user gets redirected to after signup

Config: Disabling confirmation email

Set the configuration value mod_signup.request_confirm to false to disable the signup confirmation process.

Config: Using the user’s e-mail address as username

By setting a configuration value, it is possible to use the entered email address as the username.

Set the configuration value mod_signup.username_equals_email to true.

This makes the username equal to the email address, so that the user can log in using his email address instead of a separate user name. Note that when you allow a user to change his email, take care to update the {username_pw, {Username, Password}} identity as well, otherwise the username remains equal to the old email address.

Config: setting the category for new users

By default, users created through the signup process will become resources of the category person. This can be changed by setting the configuration value mod_signup.member_category to the name of a different category.

Config: setting the content group for new users

By default, users created through the signup process will become resources in the content group default_content_group `. This can be changed by setting the configuration value ``mod_signup.content_group` to the name of a different content group.

Config: setting the visibility of new users

By default, the visible_for property of the new users’s resource will be set to 0, meaning world-viewable. To control the value of the visible_for flag on signup, set the configuration value mod_signup.member_visible_for to either 1 (visible for other logged in members), 2 (visible for “group members”) or 3 (visible only for the user itself).


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