
Adds basic search engine optimization to the base templates and provides an admin interface for the SEO modules.

Google Analytics

To enable Google Universal Analytics tracking on your Zotonic website, go to http://yoursite/admin/seo in your browser and enter your Google Analytics tracking code.

Zotonic does not automatically supports the User ID Analytics feature. You have to enable User ID in your Analytics account and override the _ga_params.tpl template to add the parameter:

    Override this template to provide extra Google Analytics parameters.
    {% if m.acl.user %}
        "userId": "{{ m.acl.user|escapejs }}",
    {% endif %}

Extra parameters

If you wish to add extra Google Analytics parameters, override the _ga_params.tpl file and add the parameters:

    Override this template to provide extra Google Analytics parameters.
    {% if m.acl.user %}
        "userId": "{{ m.acl.user|escapejs }}",
    {% endif %}
    "sessionControl": "start"


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