
Create nested navigation menus for your site.

Activating the module in the admin enables a “menu” item in the admin navigation under “content”, which lets you define a simple menu. Every item in the menu references a Zotonic page and can be looked up using the autocompletion widget.

This menu can be rendered in the frontend with the menu custom tag.

It will use the _menu.tpl template which is by default able to render a Twitter Bootstrap compatible menu structure using nested <ul> elements.

To implement a different navigation menu, override the _menu.tpl in your project and create new markup.

Domain model

The domain model for this module is the following:

The module creates a new category named menu. This allows one to create multiple menus in a single site. Its edit page in the admin contains the hierarchical menu editor.

The menu resource that is accessible from the admin page (Content > Menu) is the resource with the unique name main_menu.

See also

The filters menu_flat, menu_subtree and menu_trail.