
At different moments in the lifecycle of the web request, Zotonic sends notifications. By observing these notifications you can override Zotonic’s behaviour. You can also add your own notifications.

Zotonic’s notifier system makes it possible to create modular components with a pluggable interface. The notifier system is used by internal core Zotonic components like the authentication mechanism, the logging system and more.

The notification system can not only act as a traditional event subscription system but also as an advanced priority based function dispatch system. It uses the same priority system which is used to select templates. This makes it possible to override pre-defined default behaviour of core Zotonic modules.

A notification message is a tagged tuple. The first element of the tuple is the type of notification message. An observer can use this to subscribe to specific messages it is interested in.


{acl_logon, 1234}


{module_activate, mod_stream, <0.32.0>}

You can find a list of all notifications in the reference section.

Sending notifications

As mentioned earlier, the notification system can not only be used to just send events to observers. Observers can also return values back. They can do this in various ways described in the methods below.

Notification types


Send a message to all observers. This is used if you want to notify other observers about a specific event. In Zotonic this is used a lot. For instance, it is used to notify modules of about user logons, or notify when modules are activated and deactivated.


Notify the first observer. This is useful for if you want to be sure just one observer can do something with the message.


Call all observers, and use the first non undefined answer. This is used to get information from one of the observers. By using the notification system it makes sure that modules are decoupled.


Call all observers and get a list of all answers.


Do a fold over all observers, high prio observers first.


Do a fold over all observers, low prio observers first.


Synchronous notification, wait till all observers have processed the notification before continuing. The notify will notify all observers asynchronously and returns before all notifications are processed.

The synchronous notification also shares the current database transaction (if any) and other context data with the observers. This allows to process the notification within a transaction.

Subscribing to notifications

Registering as an observer works as follows:

z_notifier:observe(NotificationType, Handler, Priority, Context)

If the module is either a Zotonic module or a site module, the Priority parameter can be omitted. The observer will then get the same priority as the module.

The type of notification you want to observe, an atom.
Can be a pid(), or a {Module, Fun} tuple. When the handler is a pid() and the notification is sent with notify or notify1 the gen_server process receives a handle_cast. When an answer is expected back handle_call is used. This is the case for first, map, foldl and foldr.
The priority of the observer. This influences the order in which they are called.
The Zotonic context.


z_notifier:observe(acl_logon, {mysitewww, handle_logon}, Context)

Subscription shorthands

Modules and sites can use shortcuts for registering as an observer. When the Zotonic module exports a function with the prefix observe_ or pid_observe_ Zotonic’s module manager will register the observer for you.

For example exporting observe_acl_logon/2 will register that function as an observer. It will be triggered when the acl_logon notification is fired. Functions prefixed with pid_observe_ are for gen_server based modules: they get passed the gen_server’s PID as the first argument.

Handling notifications

When a notifications is sent the z_notifier module looks in its tables to see if there are any observers interested in receiving it. There are three types of notifications.

Cast notifications

This is the simplest notification. The notifier does not expect an answer back the result of the handler is ignored. This kind of notification is triggered by calling z_notifier:notify/2 or z_notifier:notify1/2. They are useful for letting other modules know about a certain even or condition. This makes it possible for other modules to act on it.

For example, mod_development uses call notifications to trigger builds and reloads. By doing this other modules can notify mod_development to trigger builds. But when mod_development is disabled nothing will happen.

Call notification

For this kind of notification, z_notifier expects an answer back. This answer is returned back to the notifier. This kind of notifications is used to decouple modules. For instance a module can ask another module for a special URL to go to after logging in without knowing which module will do this. Call notifications are triggered by: z_notifier:first/2 and z_notifier:map/2.

For example, mod_signup uses a call notification to find out what page to redirect to after a successfull signup. This allows one to customize the signup process.

Fold notifications

Fold notifications are called, with z_notifier:foldl/3 or z_notifier:foldr/3. It works similarly to the lists:foldr and lists:foldl functions of Erlang’s lists module.

The fold function calls each observer in sequence, either starting at highest (foldl) or at lowest (foldr) priority, passing values and an initial accumulator value.

Each observer can adapt values in the accumulator, and needs to return it, for passing on to the next observer. The final value of the accumulator is returned as result. This is useful if you want multiple modules to be able to adapt and use values in the accumulator.

For example, mod_admin uses a fold notification (called admin_menu) to build up the admin navigation menu, where each observer is called to add menu entries to the menu.