
Uses clamd to scan all uploaded files for viruses.

The scanning happens after the mime type and access control is checked, but before the sanitization. If a file is infected then the error infected will be returned. The admin will display a growl message telling that the file was infected.

Clamd has a maximum size for checks, above that size the error sizelimit will be returned.

Configure in the zotonic.config file where clamd is listening.

The following configs are available:

IP address of clamd, default to ""
Port of clamd, default to 3310
The StreamMaxLength of clamd, default to 26214400 (25M)
Reject Microsoft Office documents containing externalLinks information. If the Zotonic config is set to false then rejection can be forced by setting the site’s config key mod_clamav.reject_msoffice_external_links to 1. Defaults to true.

All clamav results are logged, any infected files or other errors are logged to the error.log.

Every hour the module checks if it can reach clamd using the configured settings. It will log an error if clamd can’t be reached, and an info message if it can be reached.