
Provides periodic events.

Current this module sends tick notifications at periodic intervals. These ticks can be observed to implement periodic tasks.


For periodic tasks the system has various periodic tick events. They are named after their interval s for seconds, m for minutes, and h for hours.

  • tick_1s
  • tick_1m
  • tick_10m
  • tick_15m
  • tick_30m
  • tick_1h
  • tick_2h
  • tick_3h
  • tick_4h
  • tick_6h
  • tick_12h
  • tick_24h


Check something every hour:


observe_tick_1h(tick_1h, Context) ->
    ?LOG_INFO("And another hour has passed..."),

The return value is ignored.

The tick observers are called one by one in a separate process. So a slow handler can delay the other handlers.